Divorce can be an expensive business, but it doesn't have to be.  There are many ways you can keep your costs to a minimum, simply by being organised and being informed.  

And that is where we come in.


Divorce Without Lawyers is a private membership group which has been created to support, guide and help you to manage your divorce yourself.  The groups is managed and run by a qualified and practicing family lawyer so you can be assured that the help received is in line with current and ever changing law and legal practice. 





Understand the

Whilst you are not expected to have a law degree to be able to manage your own divorce and financial arrangements, it is important that you have a basic understanding of the law and how it affects you.  At Divorce Without Lawyers we help you to get to grips with this unfamiliar territory by using every day language, and providing the tools and resources you need to make sure you don't trip up.

Understand the Process

Once you know what you need to do, you then need to understand how to do it.  Divorce Without Lawyers has a membership portal with links to vital resources such as templates, video guides, worksheets and more.  And if you get stuck, you can ask in our Members Lounge for help and guidance.



Receive Support and Guidance

Divorce and separation can be overwhelming, and it can be lonely.  We understand this and we have created a Members Lounge area where you can chat to other members who are going through  exactly same thing that you are and you will also have access to our friendly team of experts which include relationship coaches, mortgage advisors, pension experts and more.  With Divorce Without Lawyers, you are never alone.

You really can save ££££ on your legal fees just by knowing exactly what you need to do, and by when.


Much of the money expended in legal fees is down to 3 things:


1.  The lawyer charging for everyday (albeit necessary) admin;


2.  The client not providing clear and concise instructions in a timely manner, either because they don't fully understand what is needed, or because they don't understand the consequence of the delay.

3. Repetition.   Whilst the processes and procedures are second nature to the lawyers, for most clients this will be their first and only "brush with the law" and it can be a confusing and overwhelming time.  This can lead to the need to seek clarification of points more than once, which in turn leads to them being charged more than once.  At Divorce Without Lawyers you will have the opportunity to ask your questions and to seek guidance on anything you are not clear about.




So how can you avoid those fees?


There are many things you can do to keep the fees down, and the Divorce Without Lawyers membership is geared around providing this information as well as guiding and supporting you through the process so that you know what to do, how to do it and when to do it.  With our membership, you are never alone.




There are so many benefits to joining Divorce Without Lawyers, here are a few:

  • Current, up to date reference materials 

    When going through a divorce many people will turn to a friend or family member who has been through the process. However, as well meaning as friends and family can be, they will often only know what happened in their case, and will not have sufficient in depth knowledge of the law to know how it would apply to your case.  That's where Divorce Without Lawyers comes in.

  • Regular support from a qualified lawyer

    The membership will ensure that you understand the processes, procedures and considerations taken into account by the family courts when determining your case.  There will be regular question and answer sessions, access to growing template and video libraries and links to important and relevant help sites so you have everything you need, all in one place. 


    The membership does not provide individual, one to one legal advice on your particular case, but there will be an option to book individual consultations if required (separate terms and conditions will apply)

  • Supportive Community Help

    As well as the membership site you will have access to a dedicated facebook community set up to support, help and encourage each other.  

  • ​No minimum tie in

    Once joined, you only stay for as long as you need us - there is no minimum tie in period.  So if you only need us for a month, or for a specific task, that's fine!  Once you join you will be on a rolling monthly membership.  To cancel, just let us know before your month is up and your subscription will be cancelled. 

Frequently asked questions

Is there a minimum tie in period?

Why is it so cheap?

Are the live sessions recorded?

Will you represent me at court?

Are all cases suitable for self representation?

If I join, does that mean you are my lawyer?

No.  Divorce Without Lawyers provides a group learning experience, not individual legal advice.


I just wanted to thank you for creating this group and your members lounge - possibly the best subscription I ever paid for!

Group Member, successfully self-represented to final hearing


Form A Submitted.  Years late, but submitted, finding the silver linings.  If it weren't for Ellie Foster I wouldn't't have known to do this and would be stuck in what felt like quicksand.  As it is I've completed my Form A and questionnaire, I feel confident and prepared because of the helpfulness of the Monday calls.

Group member, previously represented but hadn't  been making progress

You have made this horrendous process a lot easier to cope with in my darkest hours.  Me, my children and my family will always be forever grateful and we are finally very near the end

Group member and client

Ready to save money?

You are extremely important to us.  Upon submitting payment below, your application will be considered and subject to conflict checks you will be granted access to the Divorce Without Lawyers membership site and accompanying facebook support group. 

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Your Bonuses

  • Expert Advice

    As the site grows there will be featured experts such as financial advisors, pension experts, grief counsellors, divorce coaches, therapists and more, all there to help you on every step of your journey.

  • You will also have, if you choose, the opportunity to book individual legal consultations with a qualified family lawyer (separate fees will apply) 


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